- Aerosols
- Brooms
- Brushes & Sponges
- Carpet Cleaning
- Cleaners & Waxes
- Deodorants
- Dusting Equipment
Entrance Matting
- Apache Gatekeeper Premium Entrance Matting
- Chevron Vinyl-Backed Entrance Matting
- Commercial Polypropylene Entrance Matting
- Hobnail Vinyl-Backed Entrance Matting
- Nylon Twist Vinyl-Backed Entrance Matting
- Olefin Polyester Vinyl-Backed Entrance Matting
- Structured Rib Vinyl-Backed Entrance Matting
- Ultimate GREEN Entrance Matting
- Rubber Brush Outside Entrance Matting
Floor Machines
- Rotary Floor Machines Buffers, Scrubbers & Burnishers
- Orbital Floor Machines
Rotary Floor Machine Pad Drivers and Brushes
- Carpet Cleaning Brushes for Rotary Floor Machines
- Pad Driver Brushes For Rotary Floor Machine Buffers/Scrubbers/Burnishers
Scrub Brushes for Rotary Floor Machine Buffers/Scrubbers
- Bassine Rotary General Scrubbing Brushes
- Light Duty 500 Grit Rotary Scrub Brushes
- Light Scrub and Polish Brushes for Rotary Buffers and Scrubbers
- Medium Duty 180 Grit Rotary Scrub Brushes
- Medium Heavy Duty Rotary Scrub Brushes (120 Grit)
- Nylon General Rotary Scrub Brushes (SOFT .020 Fiber or STIFF .030 Fiber)
- Polypropylene General Scrubbing Brushes (SOFT .020 Fiber)
- Polypropylene General Scrubbing Brushes (STIFF .030 Fiber)
- Stripping and Sanding Brushes for Rotary Floor Machines
- Rotary Floor Maintenance Pads, Screens & Holders
- Hand Care Products
- Handles and Braces
- Kitchen and Breakroom
- Mopping Equipment
- Nilfisk Advance
- Pacific Floorcare Equipment
- Plastic Trash Bags
- Safety Equipment
- Squeegees
- Smoke Damage Restoration
- Tools & Accessories
- Trash Receptacles
Vacuum Cleaners
- Back Vacuums and Hip Vacuums
- Critical Filter Vacuums (HEPA) by Husqvarna Pullman Ermator
- Tank Vacuums by Viper (a Nilfisk-Advance company)
- Tank Vacuums Wet/Dry by Boss Cleaning Equipment
- Upright Vacuum Cleaners
- Vacuum Accessories
- Air Scrubbers
- Tank Vacuums by Husqvarna Ermator Pullman
- Tank Vacuum by Pacific Floorcare
- How To Books
- Jan 3, 2020 Save big money on restroom paper If restroom paper products are costing an arm and a leg at your facility, read on to find out how to fix the problem and save big bucks!
- Oct 11, 2019 Best degreaser for tough jobs Marko has been a blender of cleaning detergents since 1968. Our premiere product, the one that opened our company, is Marko 1000 Heavy Duty Cleaner. If you want to remove grease from a diesel engine, clean around the fry vat, or use as a general purpose cleaner, this is the product for you.
- Jan 11, 2019 Aerosols - Are they worth the money? Aerosol products, because of their convenience, can make a great way to solve cleaning, disinfecting, deodorizing, and other minor issues in tight situations where time, storage, and other economic factors impact the health conditions of the facility, business, or home.
- Sep 21, 2018 MARKO LAUNCHES NEW SHOPPING CART Marko launches our new shopping cart to help serve our customers better!
Aerosols - Are they worth the money?
In general, the cost per ounce of an aerosol chemical is dramatically more than a liquid equivalent. Disinfectants, deodorants, cleaners, strippers, insecticides, lubricants, gum removers, spotters - all are available in liquids. So why choose from Marko's full line of quality industrial strength aerosols? Smaller jobs can benefit from the convenience. For instance, a janitorial service comes through once a week to handle the office or home, but in the meantime coffee gets spilled on the carpet, dust collects on the desktops, restrooms get used. But, storage space is at a premium. Office staff or family members are harried and hurried. Aerosols can be grabbed and used quickly to resolve cleaning, deodorizing, or disinfecting issues. Here's a host of reasons to keep a small stock of aerosol products handy:
Why choose aerosols over liquid equivalents?
- Hygienic – Use the aerosol without direct contact between the application device and the surface being treated.
- Convenient – Aerosols are ready for use and require no clean-up after use.
- Stabile – No evaporation or dilution; little deterioration.
- Economical – Very little waste or spill; uniformity of application.
- Reliable – Formulation for optimum characteristics and delivered ready-to-use without variance with each application.
- Safe – Avoid accidental spillage or ingestion.
- Cost Effective – Saves time and money during clean-up time.
- Enhanced Performance – A more even application and coating.
- Waste Reduction – Eliminated spoilage due to evaporation loses and rancidity.
- Pressure Penetration – Spray or jet product to reach inaccessible areas.
- Compliance Friendly – Always properly labeled.